Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Class was fun fun fun today! Our warm-ups are getting a lot more intense than before! But it's LOADS of fun. I always look forward to going to drama because it's one class that I don't run the risk of falling asleep in.

For class, we started out by working on our posture. The activity that was involved was walking around the classroom with different postures depending upon what Ms. Weil told us. We all started in the neutral position, which was a straight back and our hands at our sides as well as our heads at a reasonable height. Ms. Weil called out different emotions such as happy, sad, confident, and bold as well as acting as a child and an elderly person. I found it really interesting how slight changes in posture can really give away the emotions or character or age of a person.

We also had partner performances during class. We were given five or six different locations to choose from, and we needed to create a silent scene and try and give clues to the audience of our ages and the scenario, but without speaking. Sydney was my partner and we acted out a scene in a café where we were two teenagers and we were keeping an eye out for hot guys. The audience got the idea pretty well and it was so much fun acting out the parts. Everyone else's performances were really fun to watch too.

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