Sunday, November 8, 2009

I keep forgetting to journal. That's not good because we've already done so much that I haven't blogged about and now I'm going to forget a lot of stuff to put in!

So last Thursday, we watched a preview for the fall play and we watched one of the six plays called "Sure Thing." I really enjoyed watching it and I thought it was a really fun performance and the actors did really well. After the preview, a couple of the IB Drama students taught us some improv games that we played and it was really fun even just watching. Thursday night was the drama preview of the entire fall play and I thought it was amazing. All the actors were so great on stage and the lines were given so well it was such an entertaining play. I think Ms. Weil did a really good job directing and the actors were really great. :]

On Friday we did an improv activity with a group of four people. It was the Snapshot and Home Video activity where we had to portray five snapshots of our group going on vacation and from one of the snapshots we had to create a home video. We went on a trip to an African Safari and we had various snapshots were people played animals, inanimate objects, and other people. It was actually a lot of fun to perform because we did really well too. It was also really fun watching the other groups perform theirs as well.

I think it was on Thursday or Friday...or maybe even Wednesday, Ms. Weil assigned our movement composition assignment that I am SOOO looking forward to. She showed us her example that she choreographed to music and I thought it was so moving it seriously almost brought me to tears. It felt so real when she was moving around the stage and lip syncing to the music she chose. She performed it really well and that energy and power really reached out into the audience and I was so amazed. Then she told us the criteria of the project and what we needed to do. I got really excited that I immediately started thinking of songs to do my composition to. I think I'm going to make a separate blog entry about the movement composition, so I guess this is it for now :]

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