Wednesday, November 18, 2009

movement composition.

I performed today! What I was really bummed about was that I brought my camera to film the entire thing and I think my nerves were just going crazy so I COMPLETELY forgot that I even had my camera, so I don't have a recording of it :[ I was really bummed out because as soon as I finished my performance, I realized I had forgotten to film it. Oh well, I guess I'll be able to live without it.

Performance Reflection
  I thought my performance went really smoothly. I didn't have any slip ups from my choreography and it was fairly easy to adapt to the size of the stage. Of course my nerves were going crazy right before I had to perform, but that happens to me wherever I go, so I tried my best to channel the jitteriness from the nerves into the energy and emotion I put into my performance. As soon as the music started, I just went straight through without having to worry about what came next since it was almost like the choreography was programmed into my muscles. I think I used the stage really well and my positioning on the stage was really good too. I didn't face the back of the stage and I always made sure I cheated out a lot or as much as I could. I also think I put in an immense amount of energy and emotion into my performance and I think it came out enough for the audience to effectively notice it all. I also thought my lip syncing was right on and I moved my mouth big enough and exaggerated enough that people could see what I was saying.
  Now there are a couple things I wish I had changed. Mainly from the comments from the audience, I apparently acted a lot younger with all the energy and giddiness I had in the performance. So maybe I could have toned down my energy a little bit. Also, Ms. Weil commented on how my middle scene where I'm dancing around the room could have been shorter and I could have added another piece of the story into it because it got really repetitive and by the end it was a little boring. I also wish I had worn a different shirt. I wore a shirt with a pretty well-known Asian character on it, but it's black and white and Ms. Weil commented on how I should have chosen a brighter color to wear so I guess it isn't has well-known here as it is among my Asian friends, but other than that I think my performance went pretty smoothly.

Here is the graded rubric. 49/50!!

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