Monday, November 16, 2009

movement composition.

So I know I already blogged once today, but I finished my story analysis/plot summary for the movement composition. I just thought I'd blog on it since I'm performing in two days or so. 

Final Story Analysis/ Plot Summary
The scene begins with a girl lying on her bed writing a song for her boyfriend that she's completely infatuated with. She struggles with it at first, but then she finally gets it right and finishes writing the song. Then she gets up off of her bed and stretches and mid-stretch, she sees a picture of her boyfriend and her on her bedside table and she picks it up. She looks at it and kisses her boyfriend's picture. Then holding the framed picture, she starts dancing with it and dances all around her room obsessively just like any girl who is head over heels for someone would do. Then she's about to put the picture back down on the bedside table where she gets a phone call from her boyfriend who is asking her to go on a date with him and she happily agrees. She puts the picture down on the table and runs to her closet and picks out a jacket, looks in a mirror and fixes her hair, then grabs her purse. On the way out of her room, she takes one last glimpse at the picture and then happily skips out her room and this is when I will skip off stage.

Throughout the entire song, I will be lip synching. I'll also start out on stage left and try and utilize as much of the entire stage as I can. The closet where I get the jacket will be center right stage and the mirror will be upstage center and I will exit upstage left. I have attached a scanned piece of paper of how I want the stage to be set up and how I want to move about the stage as well. 

Now all I have left to do is rehearse and perfect everything so I won't forget anything for sure. I think this is coming along pretty nicely. I'm a bit nervous about performing this in front of everyone, but I'm going to try my best to just block everyone out and act out as much as I can because my nerves can really get to me sometimes.

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